Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fair Trade Certification! It's Official!

We are so excited to announce that Sweet Leaf Bath Co. is officially licensed to sell their products as Fair Trade Certified!

What this means to you is that you receive assurance that Sweet Leaf products marked "fair trade certified" have been lovingly created with ingredients that came from cooperatives around the world. That these cooperatives have met the rigorous standards of the Fair Trade Labelling Organization (FLO) and that we too have met these standards.

What this means to us is that we will work quickly to have the fair trade logo added to our website and packaging.

We really feel good about this and hope to inspire others to think (and shop) with a global and social conscience.

The picture above was provided to us from Delapointe who we purchase our fair trade shea butter from. It was taken at the coop in Burkina Faso where the shea butter is produced by the women there. Very cool!

Sweet Leaf Bath Co.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Big News!!!

Our website is up and running! Please check it out and let us know what you think! We are really excited! We are holding our breathes, fingers crossed, hoping there are no glitches!

Other exciting news... we are very close to getting our Fair Trade close that if you check out Trans Fair's website, we are listed as a Canadian supplier of Fair Trade products!!! It's not final yet...but very close! Keep posted for updates...
Sweet Leaf Bath Co.