Thursday, December 17, 2009

Going Green For Christmas

I love Christmas. Christmas lights, Christmas music, even Christmas shopping. I love looking at all of those beautifully wrapped presents that I have placed under an ornate tree waiting for their owner to come and claim them with excitement and laughter.

This year, I have decided to change it up a bit. I'm looking for ways to still have the beautifully wrapped presents under the tree but not with the usual snowman and Santa Clause wrapping. I am attempting to come up with some new ways to wrap this year that aren't quite so wasteful and I thought I would share some of these ideas that I have come accross in my attempts to be more green.

1. Wrap a gift in a beautiful scarf. It's two gifts in one.

2. Try rapping a husband or father's gift with the sports section.

3. College student at home? Why not use tupperware containers instead of boxes for their presents? (You could even send them home with leftovers in them!)

4. If you're someone who sews...there is always leftover material in your craft room...why not use it to wrap a gift?

As for the kids and I started making our own ornaments last year and will continue to do so each year. They are more beautiful than anything I could buy in a store and it gives my children a sense of pride to see their work displayed on the tree.

I will continue my quest to make my Christmas greener...and will keep you posted on all the wonderful tidbits I come accross.

If you have any good green ideas, please post them here, I would love to hear about them!

Happy Holidays,
Sweet Leaf Bath Co.

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